My Story
Author, Coach, Lightworker, Twin Flame, Mentor, and Public Speaker
To the outside, my life only appears ordinary. After a Twin Flame encounter lit my soul on fire, I began to awaken spiritually and received my life purpose from Source. Now, I am guided by Angels, Spirit Guides, and all those in the highest vibration of my soul family to unite women, help others break out of limiting beliefs, and shine their inner lights as a Transformational Life Coach.
With an idea from my Twin Flame, I have accepted the challenge to change the lives of one million people to help them recognize, harmonize, and rise to align their lives with their soul’s perfection through the recognition of their own Magical Breadcrumbs.
I am honored to be part of each reader's journey in discovering the magic of the Universe and I am grateful to everyone who opens their hearts and minds to new possibilities and reads my words, helping me to reach my goal of changing one million lives.
What is a Magical Breadcrumb?
The image above was one of my Magical Breadcrumbs I received when I first learned about my destiny to write the book. White feathers are a common Magical Breadcrumb that angels use to tell you when they are near.
Book Excerpt:
Magical Breadcrumbs: A morsel of wisdom in the form of a synchronicity or sign from the Universe attempting to lead one toward their highest good and ultimate destiny.
Magical Breadcrumbs are used by higher powers, including God, Spirit, Universe, Source, angels, spirit guides, and departed loved ones, providing hints and clues to light the way for one to follow their soul's desires, accomplish lessons, and provide experiences within this life, ultimately leading one to reach their highest potential in this lifetime.
Magical Breadcrumbs appear throughout our lives. They are hidden gems in plain sight that appear when you pay attention to what is happening right before you and follow your intuition. It's about patterns and connections to meaningful symbols and words. Magical Breadcrumbs reinforce your thoughts or guide you toward a new idea, person, or situation.
The list of potential Magical Breadcrumbs is endless because they are crafted just for you. A song playing with lyrics of what you need to hear or what you were thinking about, repeating numerical patterns, thinking of someone, and then seeing or hearing from them, unexplainable recurring themed posts on social media, the arising of something meaningful to you and someone that has passed, gut feelings, and those of coincidence and déjà vu, to name a few.